To see how much energy you can use before you may incur any additional charges, click here.
We complete periodic checks on your usage throughout your tenancy. Feel free to provide meter readings to us and we'll provide you with an update (maximum 6 times per year).
Fair Usage Policy (“FUP”)
In this FUP, the following words shall (unless the context otherwise requires) have the following meanings:
“FUP” this Fair Usage Policy;
“Premises” the site address, identified on the Tenancy Agreement;
“Tenancy Agreement” your Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (AST), or other contractual rental agreement,
relating to the Premises;
“Us, We, Our, Purple Frog, PFP” Purple Frog Asset Management, Purple Frog Property Limited or Purple Frog Nottingham Limited or Purple Frog
Bristol Limited or Purple Frog Group Limited with registered address 189 Dawlish Road, Birmingham, B29 7AW, as
detailed on the Tenancy Agreement;
“Your, You, Customer” the tenant, occupier, student, of the Premises;
If bills are included within your Tenancy Agreement, the following FUP will apply to you. This is to ensure that that
your energy and water usage is not excessive and kept within reasonable and sensible limits.
The allowances are designed to be accurate based on your property size and if you are sensible with your energy
consumption, it is unlikely that you will exceed these limits.
Gas & Electricity
The maximum usage allowed per annum is shown below. If the tenancy agreement is less than a year, these figures
will apply on a pro-rata basis.
If you exceed these limits, your landlord, letting or managing agent reserves the right to apply a Supplemental
Charge to cover the amount by which you exceeded the allowance.
Number of Tenants / Annual Allowance for Energy per Premises (£):
1 tenant = £1,725.88pa
2 tenants = £1,764.88pa
3 tenants = £1,798.68pa
4 tenants = £2,119.52pa
5 tenants = £2,347.80pa
6 tenants = £2,530.32pa
7 tenants = £2,813.72pa
8 tenants = £3,215.68pa
9 tenants = £3,617.64pa
10 tenants = £4,019.60pa
11 tenants = £4,421.56pa
12 tenants = £4,823.52pa
Water & Sewerage
For unmetered homes in England and Wales, the maximum rateable value of your Premises allowed is £425 for 1 to
5 tenants in your Premises, increasing by £30 for each additional tenant. For unmetered homes in Scotland, the
maximum council tax band of your Premises is D. For 6+ tenants in your Premises, this may be extended on a case
by case basis. If you exceed these limits, your landlord, letting or managing agent reserves the right to apply a
Supplemental Charge to cover the amount by which you exceeded the allowance.
For metered homes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the maximum usage allowed for 1 to 5 bed
houses is 160 cubic meters of water and 160 cubic meters of sewerage per annum. For each additional bedroom
above 5, your allowance increases by 20 cubic meters of water and 20 cubic meters of sewerage per annum. If you
exceed these limits, your landlord, letting or managing agent reserves the right to apply a Supplemental Charge to
cover the amount by which you exceeded the allowance.
What is the Fair Usage Policy on Purple Frog Broadband?
The Fair Usage Policy is designed to ensure that the service received by the vast majority of our customers is not negatively impacted because of extremely heavy
usage by a very small minority of customers. This is why Purple Frog continuously monitors network performance
and may restrict the speed available to very heavy users during peak time. This applies to customers on any
package. Note if you are a heavy user we will only restrict your speed. Service will not be stopped, so you will still
be able to upload and download. We will not impose any restrictions outside of peak times. Only a very small
minority of customers will ever be affected by this (less than 1%).
How do I know if I'm a very heavy user? There is no hard and fast usage limit that determines if you are a heavy
user as the parameters that determine heavy use vary with the demands placed on the network at that given time.
We tend to find that the very heavy users already know that they are using their broadband connections
Does the Fair Usage Policy apply to Purple Frog's unlimited package?
Yes, the Fair Usage Policy applies to all
customers on all packages. An unlimited package allows unlimited downloads and uploads inclusive of the monthly
rental price, so you will not be charged for over-use, however this does not preclude Purple Frog from restricting
your speed at peak times if you are a heavy user. If you are on the unlimited package and are a heavy user, this
does not prevent you from continuing to use your service, nor does it cost you any more but it ensures that you do
not negatively impact the majority of our customers who share the available bandwidth with you.
I'm noticing slower P2P speeds at peak times even though I'm not a very heavy user, why is
P2P is the sharing and delivery of files amongst groups of people who are logged on to a file sharing network.
P2P consumes a significant and highly disproportionate amount of bandwidth when in use even by small numbers of
users. This is why we have a peak time policy where we limit P2P speeds to manage the amount of bandwidth that
is used by this application in particular. Without these limits all our customers using their broadband service at
peak times would suffer, regardless of whether they are using P2P or not. It’s important to remember that P2P isn’t
a time-critical application so if you do need to download large files we advise you to do this at off-peak times
when no restrictions are placed, not only will you be able to download faster but your usage will not negatively
impact other users.
Does this mean I can't use Peer to Peer (P2P) applications?
No, we are not stopping you from using any P2P service, P2P will just be slowed down at peak times. Again, P2P is
not generally a time-sensitive application Please ensure that anyone using your internet connection to access our
Internet services agrees with this Policy and is aware of their obligations under it. This extends members of your
household or anyone, whether authorised or unauthorised, accessing the network through your home. You must
NOT use our Internet services for:
- Unlawful, fraudulent, criminal or otherwise illegal activities
- Sending, receiving, publishing, posting, distributing, disseminating, encouraging the receipt of, uploading,
downloading or using any material which is offensive, abusive, defamatory, indecent, obscene, unlawful,
harassing or menacing or a breach of the copyright, trademark, intellectual property, confidence, privacy
or any other rights of any person - Commercial purposes (unless on a business package)
- Sending or uploading unsolicited emails, advertising or promotional materials, offering to sell any goods or
services, or conducting or forwarding surveys, contests or chain letters - Knowingly or negligently transmitting or uploading any electronic material (including, without limit, files
that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs) which is known or likely to
cause, interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or
telecommunications equipment owned by us or any other Internet user or person - Activities that invade another’s privacy, cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any person
- Activities that are in breach of any other third party’s rights, including downloading, installation or
distribution of pirated software or other inappropriately licensed software, deletion of any author
attributions, legal notices or proprietary designations or labels in any file that is uploaded, falsification of
the origin or source of any software or other material - Anything that may disrupt or interfere with our network or services or cause a host or the network to crash
- Launching “denial of service” attacks; “mailbombing” attacks; or “flooding” attacks against a host or
network - Granting access to our services to others not residing at the premises at which these Internet services are
provided - Making excessive use of, or placing unusual burdens on, the network, for example by sending or receiving
large volumes of email or excessively large email attachments - Circumventing the user authentication or security process of a host or network
- Creating, transmitting, storing or publishing any virus, Trojan, corrupting program or corrupted data