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How to survive an end of year hangover

How to survive an end of year hangover

Top tips to avoid turning your parents’ car into the vomit comet

Last night was your last night out at uni and in true student-style you drank too much, as per usual. Suddenly it’s morning and all your happy memories of the year, are being nudged aside by the reality that your parents are arriving in a few hours to drive you back home.


Are you ready to go? No.

Are you ready for the loooong journey back to Norfolk? No.

Are you hungover? Absolutely.

You need hangover cures and quick. Brace yourself because if you want to avoid throwing up in your parents’ brand-new car then you need to listen up.


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Will I regret this tomorrow? Nooooooooooo. (Image credit: Photo by Isabella Mendes)

Ideally last night you should have had a well-lined stomach to soak up all that lovely alcohol. Also, re-hydrating yourself is vital, and will stop that annoying headache in the morning. However, if you didn’t remember to do that and are suffering from the worst hangover imaginable, there are a few things you can do to make the car journey home slightly more bearable.


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Fried food. It might just save your bacon.

Sometimes the last thing you can face on a hungover morning is food but, trust me, eating is bound to make you feel loads better. Obviously, don’t go crazy as you really don’t want to be seeing the food spread all over the back seat in a few hours.

You really need to fuel your body, giving it the energy to cope with the hellish hangover you’ve got.

You really need to be filling your body with carbs, protein, salt and sugar. Meaning a fry up is the best possible cure imaginable! Getting to eat food like that, it almost makes the hangover worth it to be honest.

Pack your ‘hangover’ bag


Water, water and maybe some more water. Rehydrate that body!

Yes, it’ll probably mean you’ll need the toilet the entire time but, believe me, it will make you feel so much better.

Electrolyte power is always great for re-hydrating the body. The next one is especially important if you already have travel sickness but can also be used to reduce the queasiness you’re bound to be feeling on the never-ending journey home: anti-travel sickness tablets.

Get Comfy


If you aren’t feeling all that great, you could at least be comfortable on your travels. Wearing something warm and baggy will allow you to relax more.

We all know there’s nothing worse than wearing tight jeans on a journey, and this is even worse when your stomach is literally churning from all those Jagerbombs you downed last night.


Presumably you got in at a ridiculous time this morning and now are not only hungover, but also severely sleep-deprived.

This everlasting journey might actually be the best place to be in this hungover state. You’ve got 4 hours ahead of you, so why not snooze your way out of your hangover?

You can dream of the awesome time you’ve had with your housemates or reminisce about last night’s antics – secretly impressed with your ability to down an uncountable amount of shots and still be dancing the night away. This will also take your mind off how rough you are feeling, allowing you to wake up feeling fresh and (almost) recovered.

If you’ve listened to my tips you should be just about able to survive the hangover from hell. You may also want to make sure you keep your housemates away from your parents so they can’t spill any embarrassing stories about your drunken adventures from last night! (Just a little extra tip, so you can live down this hangover.)

You’ve made it home, without being sick in the car and now feeling somewhat more human. I’d definitely consider this hangover a success.

By Charlotte Booth

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