6 Tips to Staying Healthy In Isolation

During this time of uncertainty, stress and struggle, it’s so important to look after yourself. Whatever self-isolation looks like for you, whether you’re on your own or surrounded by your family, you’ve got to keep your mental and physical health in check. Whilst trapped in my house I’ve discovered some great ways to keep you sane! So get yourself a notepad and write these down to make the best of your self-isolation.
Mindfulness. Find a quiet place, get in a comfortable position, and listen to one of these recordings. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to practice mindfulness can make a whole world of difference. Silence may be scary but take a breath and let the tapes guide you into blissful solitude – especially those of you stuck with younger siblings! My thoughts are with you.
Routine. To stop you going absolutely crazy, get yourself a routine. Include your daily work schedule, an exercise routine, even plan in your meals. In a time where control is out of your hands, take some back! One tip: print off your weekly schedule and stick it on the fridge, tick off as you go and see how productive you can be.
Stimulate your mind. Endless days of being confined to your house. This is a scary time, and we cannot yet see the end. But as hard as it is you have to make the best out of a bad situation. So what better than to stimulate your mind? Do a crossword puzzle, a Sudoku, or maybe even learn a new language. With this much time on our hands who knows what we can achieve!
Love your body. Stress eater? Me too! Can’t stop yourself wandering to the fridge every 15 minutes? Guilty! We’re all in this together. Being inside all day is the perfect time to overeat and taking care of our bodies may be put on the back burner. I will emphasise this now more than ever – fuel your body with goodness! What you put in your body is so important to keep you healthy, protect you against illness and let you live your best life. But don’t get me wrong we all need a treat now and then. For some great recipes take a look on the bbc good food website.
Fitness. Healthy body, healthy mind. Exercise not only gets your body moving, it keeps your mind busy. The amazing thing about exercise is that you can do it anywhere, for any amount of time, and all it will do for you is good. Five minutes of skipping in the garden? Easy! Maybe a 5km run for the more ambitious of you. And in these times of isolation why not try a home workout? Find some of my favourite home workouts here.
Communicate. Reach out to your friends and family all across the globe. Support, encourage and spread the love – god knows we need it right now. Although we must keep our distance from one another, we must find other ways to express our feelings. Write a message to an old friend, offer your help to vulnerable people, or just keep in contact with friends. As everyone is saying at the moment ‘this pandemic is bringing out the best and the worst in the human race’, so make sure you’re on the right side.
This is a scary time and no one really knows what is going to happen or how long it will last. What we do know is that isolation may be detrimental to many people’s mental well-being, so do what you can to help yourself stay sane but remember to look out for those around you. We are all in this together.