Moving house during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Government have issued guidance on moving house during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This blog explains how Purple Frog will be working with our tenants to make sure house moves can continue as safely and smoothly as possible.
- You can move house, so long as you are not displaying symptoms or should not be self isolating.
- Social distancing should be followed by those involved in the house moving process.
- Special guidance should be followed when viewing properties.
- Purple Frog will issue specific guidance to tenants relating to collecting and returning keys and safety in between tenancies.
The following is guidance from the Government relating to moving house:
What if I have a move planned?
The Government has amended the coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations to make clear that people who wish to move home can do so. Revised guidance on moving home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) period in England is available here.
The process of finding and moving into a new home will need to be different given those involved in the process will have to adapt practices and procedures to ensure that the risk of spread of coronavirus is reduced as far as possible.
Moving home is not appropriate whilst you pose a direct risk of transmitting COVID-19.
We encourage all parties involved to be as flexible as possible over this period and be prepared to delay moves, for example if someone becomes ill with coronavirus during the moving process, has to self-isolate or shield. Vulnerable and shielded individuals will need to carefully consider their personal situation and the circumstances of their own move and may wish to seek medical advice before deciding whether to commit or go ahead with a move.
Further advice can be found here.
What does this mean for my property move or purchase which is scheduled whilst measures to fight coronavirus apply?
People are free to move home, however the process of finding and moving into a new home is likely to be different, as those involved in the process will need to adapt practices and procedures to ensure that the risk of spread of coronavirus is reduced as far as possible. It is vital that everyone stays alert and safe.
- Initial viewings should be done virtually wherever this is possible and property agents should help you to do this.
- All physical viewings should be limited to members of the same household and open house viewings should not take place.
- When physically viewing properties, where possible, you should avoid touching surfaces, wash your hands regularly, and bring your own hand sanitiser. The number of people on a viewing should be minimised to those from your household that absolutely have to be there. If you need to be accompanied by small children, you should try to keep them from touching surfaces and ensure they wash their hands regularly.
- If people are being shown around your current home, you should open all internal doors and ensure surfaces, such as door handles, are cleaned after each viewing with standard household cleaning products.
- As most people choose to, we recommend that you vacate your property whilst viewings are taking place in order to minimise your contact with those not in your household.
- Anyone involved in any aspect of the home moving process should practice social distancing in line with public health advice.
- When moving between properties, you and those in your household should try to do as much of the packing yourself as you can. Where this is not possible, you should speak to removal firms in advance. There is further advice about this below.
- If you are particularly worried about the risk of infection, then speak to the professionals involved, your landlord, estate agent or removers as they may be able to put in place extra measures.
Everyone involved in the moving process must follow social distancing to minimise the spread of the virus.