
Student Blog

5 life lessons I learned at university

5 life lessons I learned at university

It’s not just book learning you get at university

As my final year at The University of Birmingham comes to a close, I thought I would write a last blog all about what student life has taught me.

I hope that this blog gives new students an insight into what to expect from your time at Uni. You should also know that you’re not the only one calling home every other week to ask your Mum how to cook rice. So, without further ado, let’s jump into the 5 most important lessons university life has taught me!

1. Independence


Leaving home for University is one of the most exciting and terrifying things I have ever done.

After spending 18 years being taken care of, you suddenly have to go out and do it all alone! Although those first couple of weeks were a little shaky,

I’m actually pretty proud of how I’ve adapted to life as an independent adult. I know now that I CAN take care of myself, and do a decent job of it too. (Although I still can’t cook rice very well.)

2. Trust your gut

For my first year at university I was randomly allocated into a flat with five other students.

Sometimes, this system works wonderfully, and you end up placed into a flat with the perfect group and become friends for life, but sometimes it doesn’t go so well.

Unfortunately, I was placed into a flat with people I didn’t gel with and it caused a rather uncomfortable living environment. I should have trusted my gut feeling that they weren’t the right roommates and requested to move into a new flat.

Instead I gritted my teeth and fought my way through one of the hardest years of my life. I know this wasn’t necessarily the best way of dealing with the situation and I would highly encourage any freshers to trust your gut! If something doesn’t sit right, don’t suffer in silence!

3. A Social Life won’t happen on its own


I know, I know, this is never what you want to hear, but it’s true!

Having a social life requires effort – I learned that the hard way. Friends aren’t going to magically enter your life while you hide in your room. Look online for events that take your fancy and definitely join student societies that interest you.

I know it’s scary, especially if you struggle with anxiety, but take a deep breath and go for it and you’ll have friends galore!

4. Keep in touch with friends from home


Remember all your BFF’s from school?

Remember how you all promised you would stay in touch?

Yeah? Okay, now actually do that.

Staying in touch can be as simple as sending a quick message once every couple of weeks just to check in.

It’s okay not to stay as close as you once were, but I can promise you that when you’re home for the holiday and you decide to meet up with your old friends, you will be so glad you stayed in touch.

No one wants to end up stuck at home feeling lonely and sorry for themselves. You were friends with those people for a reason, don’t let them slip away!

5. You are in control

Lastly, I have learned that University is entirely what you make of it.

You are in control here.

Student life is so versatile, it’s often the perfect time to take up new hobbies and learn new skills. It can also be a brilliant opportunity to find out more about the things that make you unique!

Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to do things a certain way, or tell you that there’s things you have to enjoy or not enjoy. This is your chance to go out into the world and really find yourself.

In the words of Paddy McGuinness “The power is in your hands”, so go out and use it!

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